The Unitarian Universalist Congregational Society of Westborough

Celebrating Love, Seeking Knowledge, and Advancing Justice

“Share the Light”, by Jane Gates. Inspired by a sermon by Rev. Misty-Dawn Shelly at UUCSW
  • UUCSW’s services are on Sunday morning at 10:30 am. Childcare and Religious Exploration are available during the service, or children are always welcome to stay in the sanctuary with their grown-ups, where we have toys and books available.
  • We believe that every person is inherently worthy, regardless of age, ability, economic status, ethnicity, religion, immigration status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. All are welcome!
  • At UUCSW we believe in living our shared UU values. We are active in our community – with food and clothing drives, racial and social justice activities, LGBTQ activism, and more. We provide regular opportunities for spirituality and community outside of our Sunday services.
  • We also like to have fun! We have regular game nights, gatherings, and other activities to bring us together as a community.

We hope that you will join us! For questions please contact our office at office@uucsw.org or call 508-366-2635, or join us for a Sunday morning service.

All are welcome!

What is Unitarian Universalism?

From the Unitarian Universalist Association website:

We are Unitarian Universalists, people of many backgrounds who have different beliefs, but shared values. Together, we offer a guided path towards a better you and a better world. Get to know us in this short animated video.


Copyright and Text—Unitarian Universalist Association
Animator—Elliott Cennamo
Voiceover—Stephanie Carey Maron

We share a set of Six Shared Values, all centered around love:

Equity: We declare that every person is inherently worthy and has the right to flourish with dignity, love, and compassion.

Interdependence: We honor the interdependent web of all existence and acknowledge our place in it.

Pluralism: We are all sacred beings, diverse in culture, experience, and theology.

Justice: We work to be diverse multicultural Beloved Communities where all feel welcome and can thrive.

Transformation: We adapt to the changing world.

Generosity: We cultivate a spirit of gratitude and hope.

For more information contact info@uua.org.