SMOC Food Drives

Please consider participating in our monthly food drives to benefit the South Middlesex Opportunity Council (SMOC) which provides meals for people in Worcester.

The Shelter especially asks for packaged bologna; juice boxes; chewy granola bars; and bags of fruit. SMOC in Worcester has identified the need for clothing, especially for men. Donated items can include: new socks and underwear, and gently used sweatshirts, sweatpants, T-shirts, and jeans. 

SMOC food and clothing donations may now be dropped off in the box in the Sanctuary every Sunday. Bologna can be stored in the upstairs refrigerator in the parlor.

There are also dropoff dates on the Thursday before our deliveries, from 4:30-5:45 at the Ruggles St. door. Winter/Spring 2025 dropoff dates are:

  • January 24
  • February 28
  • March 28
  • April 25
  • May 23
  • June 27
  • July 25

If this timing does not work for you, please reach out to Nancy Siegal at,  or Libba Moore at, or Pauline Sciarappa at for other options. Thank you in advance for your generosity!

UUCSW’s Racial Justice Committee

We meet periodically through the year to initiate awareness-raising activities and to inspire action. During the 2023-2024 church year, the committee organized and led a Sunday morning service focused on how race has presented itself in our lives; collected items for infants in response to an urgent request from a local healthcare provider who works with racially and ethnically diverse families; organized letter writing to ‘get out the vote’ in 2024; coordinated creating welcome blankets to donate to refugees through

The welcome blankets were displayed in the church on May 5th before delivery to the History & Culture Museum in Woonsocket, RI for display in a national exhibit by

Racial Justice Committee “Brown Bag Lunches”
Welcome back from the Racial Justice Committee!
We want to let you know we are planning some engaging events and activities for the fall. Immediately after coffee hour we will meet for about an hour in the chapel on the following dates with related topics as follows:
10/20 Vote Forward–  Letter writing to encourage voting
11/3 Indigenous justice– podcast or short film and discussion 
Save the dates and watch for more details to follow.
Please pack lunch and join us!!