Safe Spaces for Transformation

Led by Rev. Misty-Dawn Shelly
As we begin our monthly theme of living our UU values through the practice of inclusion, join Rev. Misty-Dawn in understanding the ways in which creating secure, safe, even brave spaces helps each of us risk being open to the experience … read more.

The Work Ahead

Led by Rev. DL Helfer

On this MLK Sunday, we search for truth and meaning, exploring what justice looks like in this fractured world.

Rev DL Helfer is non-binary, and in general avoids boxes which traps them into “this” or “that.” Instead, they search for possibility, for … read more.

Power, Love, and Justice: A Story of Resistance

Led by Rev. Misty-Dawn Shelly

Come celebrate and honor an important weekend in our American culture. This Inauguration weekend includes The Peoples March and Martin Luther King Day. King writes: “Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic. Power … read more.